It’s amazing how inspiration can find you at exactly the right time.

Just today, I was feeling angry about a whole range of things – the road workers who blocked access to my house last night, IT people who just don’t understand what you’re saying even when you speak slowly and in words of one syllable.. or less.

Then I randomly decided to turn the ringer on my phone back on. It’s been on silent for months, along with my creativity. Two seconds later I heard the alert sound from Messenger and a name I didn’t recognise popped up.

It was a young woman I’d sat next to at a bar in the USA. When I met her, she was on her honeymoon, but it was clear that all was not well and she was not safe. We spoke for five hours over many drinks and I encouraged her to run like she was on fire.

That was four months ago and I haven’t heard from her since. Until today. I’ve never been so happy to hear from someone. Firstly, to know that she was OK, but also to find out the even better news, that she did leave.

There are lots of things that hold us back. People, memories, fear, trauma, resources or probably a combination of all these issues. Sometimes it just takes a connection with someone outside of our situation to make us brave enough to take the leap.

My friend says I inspired her, but she inspires me. To make big changes, it takes big courage. And she has it in spades. Maybe I do too.